The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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The permission a User has for a given Entity

Field Type Description
canView BOOLEAN Can the user view this entity?
canEdit BOOLEAN Can the user edit this entity?
canMove BOOLEAN Can the user move this entity by changing its parentId?
canAddChild BOOLEAN Can the user add a child entity to this entity?
canCertifiedUserEdit BOOLEAN Can the user edit this entity once they become a Certified User?
canCertifiedUserAddChild BOOLEAN Can the user add a child entity to this entity once they become a Certified User?
isCertifiedUser BOOLEAN True, if the user has passed the user certification quiz.
canChangePermissions BOOLEAN Can the user change the permissions of this entity?
canChangeSettings BOOLEAN Can the user change the settings of this entity?
canDelete BOOLEAN Can the user delete this entity?
canDownload BOOLEAN Are there any access requirements precluding the user from downloading this entity?
canUpload BOOLEAN Are there any access requirements precluding the user from uploading into this entity (folder or project)?
canEnableInheritance BOOLEAN Can the user delete the entity's access control list (so it inherits settings from an ancestor)?
ownerPrincipalId INTEGER The principal ID of the entity's owner (i.e. the entity's 'createdBy')
canPublicRead BOOLEAN Is this entity considered public?
canModerate BOOLEAN Can the user moderate the forum associated with this entity? Note that only project entity has forum.
isCertificationRequired BOOLEAN Is the certification requirement enabled for the project of the entity?
isEntityOpenData BOOLEAN Returns true if the Entity's DateType equals 'OPEN_DATA', indicating that the data is safe to be released to the public.
isDataContributor BOOLEAN True if the user is considered a data contributor, e.g. has update and delete permissions on the data.