The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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Information about a specific session (conversation) with an agent. Only the acess level can be changed on an existing session. You will need to start a new session if you wish to use a different agentId.

Field Type Description
sessionId STRING The unique identifier for a conversation with an agent. The sessionId issued by Synapse when the session is started. The caller must provided this sessionId with each chat request to identify a specific conversation with an agent. A sessionId can only be used by the user that created it.
agentAccessLevel AgentAccessLevel Defines the level of data access that the agent will be given during a session.
startedOn STRING The date this session was started.
startedBy INTEGER The id of the user that started this session
modifiedOn STRING The date this session was last modified.
agentId STRING Identifies that agent that will be used for this session. The default value is null, which indicates that the default agent will be used.
etag STRING Will change whenever the session changes.