The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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JSON enum for the types of objects in Synapse.

name description
ENTITY TODO: Auto-generated description
ENTITY_CONTAINER TODO: Auto-generated description
PRINCIPAL TODO: Auto-generated description
ACTIVITY TODO: Auto-generated description
EVALUATION TODO: Auto-generated description
EVALUATION_ROUND Rounds defined within a specific Evaluation
SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
EVALUATION_SUBMISSIONS TODO: Auto-generated description
FILE TODO: Auto-generated description
MESSAGE TODO: Auto-generated description
WIKI TODO: Auto-generated description
FAVORITE TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_REQUIREMENT TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_APPROVAL TODO: Auto-generated description
TEAM TODO: Auto-generated description
TABLE TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST TODO: Auto-generated description
PROJECT_SETTING TODO: Auto-generated description
VERIFICATION_SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
CERTIFIED_USER_PASSING_RECORD TODO: Auto-generated description
FORUM TODO: Auto-generated description
THREAD TODO: Auto-generated description
REPLY TODO: Auto-generated description
FORM_GROUP Grouping of from data.
ORGANIZATION User defined schemas are governed by an Organization.
FORM_DATA Data of a form.
ENTITY_VIEW TODO: Auto-generated description
USER_PROFILE TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_REQUEST TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION_STATUS TODO: Auto-generated description
MEMBERSHIP_INVITATION TODO: Auto-generated description
JSON_SCHEMA_DEPENDANT A JSON schema that references other schemas.
DATASET A dataset is a view of a list of entities.
DATASET_COLLECTION A dataset collection is a view of a list of datasets.
THREAD_VIEW Object used to proxy thread views
MATERIALIZED_VIEW A materialized view is defined by SQL run against one or more tables/views
VIRTUAL_TABLE A virtual table is a common table expression that references one or more tables/views
TABLE_STATUS_EVENT A change in the table status
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION_EVENT An event fired when a user submits a data access submission
FILE_EVENT An event fired when a user uploads or downloads the file
QUERY_CACHE_HIT An event fired when a user's query hits the query cache.