The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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Bundle to transport an Entity and related data objects

Field Type Description
entity Entity This is the base interface that all Entities implement.
entityType EntityType Type of the Entity
annotations Annotations Annotations are additional key-value pair metadata that are associated with an object.
permissions UserEntityPermissions The permission a User has for a given Entity
path EntityPath All entities in this Entity's path
hasChildren BOOLEAN Whether or not this Entity has children
accessControlList AccessControlList Contains list of principals who can access the data with the allowed types of access for each.
fileHandles ARRAY<FileHandle> FileHandles associated with this Entity
tableBundle TableBundle Metadata about a TableEntity that can be included in an EntityBundle
rootWikiId STRING Id of the root Wiki associated with this Entity
benefactorAcl AccessControlList Contains list of principals who can access the data with the allowed types of access for each.
doiAssociation DoiAssociation All fields that associate a Synapse object with a DOI. The objectId and objectType are required to create or mint a DOI in all circumstances.
fileName STRING If this Entity is a FileEntity, this is its filename
threadCount INTEGER Number of disucssion threads that reference this Entity
restrictionInformation RestrictionInformationResponse The information about restriction level on a restrict-able object.
activity Activity Interface for JSON schema for Activity POJO.