The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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JSON schema for Lock Access Requirement, used to lock down the entity while waiting for ACT to review.

Field Type Description
versionNumber INTEGER The version number issued to this version on the object.
id INTEGER The unique immutable ID. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
description STRING Depricated. Replaced by name.
name STRING Name of the AR. Limited to 50 characters and must be unique. Required.
etag STRING Synapse employs an Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) scheme to handle concurrent updates. Since the E-Tag changes every time an entity is updated it is used to detect when a client's current representation of an object is out-of-date.
createdOn STRING The date this object was created. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
modifiedOn STRING The date this object was last modified. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
createdBy STRING The user that created this object. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
modifiedBy STRING The user that last modified this object. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
subjectsDefinedByAnnotations BOOLEAN Defaults to 'false'. When 'true', the subjects controlled by this AR are defined by the the'_accessRequirementIds' annotations on individual entities. This property is mutually exclusive with 'subjectIds'. If this is set to 'true' then 'subjectIds' must be excluded or empty.
subjectIds ARRAY<RestrictableObjectDescriptor> The IDs of the items controlled by this Access Requirement when 'subjectsDefinedByAnnotations=false'. This property is mutually exclusive with 'subjectsDefinedByAnnotations'. When 'subjectsDefinedByAnnotations=true' then this property must be empty or excluded. Required when creating or updating and 'subjectsDefinedByAnnotations=false' or 'subjectsDefinedByAnnotations' is excluded.
accessType ACCESS_TYPE The enumeration of possible permission.
concreteType STRING Indicates which type of AccessRequirement this object represents. Provided by the system, the user may not set this field.
jiraKey STRING The key of the jira issue created for this Access Requirement.