The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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Request for EntityHeaders of the children of a given parent Entity

Field Type Description
parentId STRING The ID of the parent. Set to null to list projects.
nextPageToken STRING Optional parameter used to fetch the next page of results. When NULL, the first page will be returned. The nextPageToken is provided with the results if there is another page of results.
includeTypes ARRAY<EntityType> The types of children to be include. Must include at least one type.
sortBy SortBy How results should be sorted.
sortDirection Direction The direction of the result sort.
includeTotalChildCount BOOLEAN When true, the total number of children with the given parentId and types will be included. False by default
includeSumFileSizes BOOLEAN When true, the sum of the files sizes (bytes) with the given parentId and types will be included. False by default